Frequently Asked Questions
What's going to happen?
A 24 hour period of non-stop hacking during which you will become a better programmer, meet like-minded people, and make cool stuff. At the end, you and your group will have the chance to show off your project and receive prizes from sponsors.
Who can attend?
All university students are welcome. Professionals in the area should email us about competing or mentoring. High school students under the age of 18 should also email us.
What can I hack?
HackNC is both a software and hardware hackathon. Code for web, mobile, desktop, and hack away at hardware to your heart's content.
Can we build off existing code?
You’re free to brainstorm ahead of time, but all code presented at the end of HackNC must be new.
Will there be food?
Of course! All participants well get free lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, and copious snacks throughout.
What about sleep?
Everyone needs a break once in a while, so designated sleeping spaces will be provided. Be sure to bring a blanket, pillow, or sleeping bag if you plan to sleep.
Do I need programming experience?
Nope. HackNC is a great way to hone existing programming skills or learn new ones. We’ll have mentors to help you along the way.
Do I sign up as an individual or with a group?
Everyone will sign up as an individual. You can declare a 2-4 member team on our pre-event survey or form a group at the beginning of the event.
Will there be swag (free stuff)?
Does a ten pound bag of flour make a really big biscuit?